07 Dec 2010


5th Conferencia Internacional de Nitrógeno

Del 3 al 7 de Diciembre de 2010, se llevo a cabo en Delhi (India), la 5a. Conferencia Internacional de Nitrógeno, N2010, organizada por el Indian Nitrogen Group (ING) y la International Nitrogen Initiative (INI). La conferencia reunio mas de 450 participantes de 37 paises quienes discutieron aspectos cientificos, tecnologicos y politicos del manejo del N para el desarrollo sustentable. La conferencia concluyo sus deliberaciones con la Declaracion de Delhi que se adjunta a continuacion:

Miembros del staff de IPNI de diversas regiones del mundo presentaron trabajos sobre el uso eficiente del N en diferentes sistemas de produccion en areas de seguridad alimentaria y cambio climático. Las presentaciones están disponibles en N2010.

IPNI Cono Sur presento el trabajo "Mejores prácticas de manejo para mejorar la eficiencia de uso de los fertilizantes nitrogenados en la agricultura argentina", un trabajo conjunto del Dr. Fernando Garcia (IPNI Cono Sur) y el Dr. Fernando Salvagiotti (EEA INTA Oliveros, Santa Fe, Argentina).
El resumen de dicha presentación es el siguiente:

Grain production in Argentina has increased from 40.1 million Mg to 96.4 million Mg in the last 15 years, and most of this increase is related to a large expansion of soybean area. Fertilizer N consumption has increased from 115 thousand Mg in early 1990’s to 895 thousand Mg in 2007, and it is one of the main factors that contributed to increase grain yield in wheat and maize. N use efficiency (NUE) at the national level show partial factor productivities of 87 and 48 kg grain per kg of applied N for maize and wheat, respectively, and a partial nutrient balance of 1.9 kg N removed per kg N applied for the main four grain crops. Fertilizer best management practices (FBMP), the right source applied at the right rate, right time and right placement, have been developed by several official and private research groups to improve NUE. Inoculation in soybean is recommended to cope crop N demand in order to use N from atmosphere. Diagnosis tools in wheat and maize include soil testing, plant analysis, use of chlorophyll meter and remote sensors along crop development, and crop N simulation models. Synchronization of N supply with maize N demand through in-season application improved NUE by 10%, while for wheat these improvements were highly dependent on early-season precipitations. Volatilization studies indicate the need to incorporate urea fertilizers in summer crops or, alternatively, to use other sources such as UAN or CAN, or include inhibitors of urease in fertilizer formulas. Developing and implementing BMP for fertilizer N to design the right source, rate, place, and time under different cropping systems and available logistics may contribute to improve NUE in Argentinean grain production systems.

Presentación disponible en BMPs N2010

Additional Resources

Delhi Declaration N2010Size: 0.05 MB

Declaración de Delhi N2010Size: 0.05 MB

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